We All Feel Fear Chasing Our Dreams

How to feel it and do it anyway...

Welcome to Legend Letters - A rebellion against the ordinary, where you redefine success and live your version of legendary.

Howie Chan - Creator of Legend Letters

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On January 13, 2006, a 13 year-old girl with braces stepped onto a stage at Glendale mall in Los Angeles.

No one knew who she was.

It will be her first time performing live in front of a crowd.

She’s not a rock star… she’s just playing one.

It was scary as hell.

But she embraced it.

18 years later, in 2024 (a few days before I wrote this issue), she was celebrated and received the Disney Legend award.

Her name? You probably guessed it - Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana.

Her acceptance speech is one that will move you to tears (~3 min) 👇🏽

We all have dreams and maybe it’s changed over the years, but it’s there.

What is YOUR dream?

And why have you set it aside?

Is it because you’re afraid of "what it will take?

Or are you afraid because you think you might fail?

Miley says it best - everyone is afraid, yes, even legends.

“It is legendary to be afraid”

Miley Cyrus

But what if you took a shot at your dreams anyway?

Take each scary step at a time?

Where will that lead you?

Imagine the life of Miley if she chickened out and didn’t step up?

(Click here to see Miley’s audition tape.)

There is a legendary life in you. It’s waiting for you to do something that feels scary.



When your actions are aligned with who you are, you are more likely to go through with it. Even if it’s scary. So get aligned and do it scared, do it with nothing to lose.


From the book “Feel the fear and Do it Anyway” by Susan Jeffers, you can use these techniques to reframe your thinking and approach situations with a “no-lose” mindset:

1/ Envision Your Goals 

Dedicate time each day to vividly picturing what you want to achieve and the emotions associated with reaching those milestones. Reinforce this by stating your goals in a clear, affirmative sentence, helping your mind focus on achieving them.

Example: If your goal is to start your own business, which feels daunting due to the risks involved, spend time each day visualizing yourself successfully launching the business. Imagine overcoming initial hurdles, gaining your first clients, and eventually seeing your business thrive. Picture the pride and satisfaction of building something from the ground up, and reinforce it with a statement like, "I am a successful entrepreneur, and I face challenges with courage and determination."

WARNING: Make sure you put in the work to make those visions become a reality. Your subconscious mind might think you’ve already achieved it, so don’t let your mood and motivation spur you forward. Rely on discipline and systems instead.

2/ Craft Personal Affirmations 

Develop affirmations that resonate with your objectives and repeat them regularly. This can be your mantra when you feel fear and anxiety.

Example: If your goal is to build confidence in public speaking, create an affirmation such as, "I speak clearly and confidently in front of any audience." Repeat this to yourself before you practice or before a speaking engagement to build your self-assurance.

3/ Reflect on Core Values 

When faced with fear or doubt, reconnect with your life’s purpose and the core reasons behind why something matters deeply to you.

Example: If you're considering a career change but feel anxious about the risks, reflect on your core value of personal growth and fulfillment. Remind yourself why this change is important for your happiness and development, which can help you move past the fear.

4/ Explore Alternatives 

If you can respond to your "what ifs" with "I can manage it," you can adopt a mindset of resilience. Additionally, consider alternative paths that still align with your desires and goals.

Example: If you’re planning a big event and worried about things going wrong, think through alternatives. For example, if the outdoor venue becomes unavailable due to weather, know that you can pivot to an indoor space. Tell yourself, "No matter what happens, I’ll find a solution that works."

5/ Trust Your Inner Guidance 

Believing that you can handle any situation and seeing challenges as opportunities for growth enables you to navigate life’s uncertainties with confidence.

Example: If you’re faced with a tough situation, such as speaking to a room full of folks 10x more experienced than you, trust that you have the ability to adapt to new environments, provide a relevant perspective, and learn from the experience. Remind yourself, "I can handle new challenges, and each one makes me stronger."

“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

Jim Rohn

This is one of my favorite quotes from the late, great Jim Rohn.


Start that business.

Write that book.

Record that video.

Take the job.

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Live your legend 🤘🏽,

P.S. ICYMI, the waiting list my 21-day launch cohort is open! 👇🏽 Feel scared to launch or relaunch your service business? Do it anyway, with a group of people just like you, rooting for you to win.

Howie Chan

Creator of Legend Letters

  1. Spanos, Brittany, Flashback: Miley Cyrus Auditions for ‘Hannah Montana’, Rolling Stones Magazine, March 24, 2016 - LINK

  2. Jeffers, Susan, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action (Book) - LINK

Hey Legends, whenever you are ready to take action:

1/ Power Hour

1:1 60 min coaching that solves a specific challenge for you so you can live your version of legendary today.

What exceeded my expectations? The power of the brand idea & how easy it has been to immediately use it as I describe to others what I’m up to.”

Lisa Bowers, Executive Coach/ COO/ CEO

2/ Personal Brand Strategy Program

Three 1:1 coaching sessions to get clarity on your story and your brand so you can attract what and whom you want into your life.